Key Competencies
  • General Cardiology
  • Subspecialty in Interventional cardiology (coronary, structural heart, valves TAVI)
  • Cardiiovascular MRI (European Level 3, highest degree)
  • Translational cardiac regenerative medicine (phase II and phase III clinical trial)
  • French
  • English
  • Founder of Cardiovascular Centre Lausanne (CVCL SA)
  • Hon. Clinical Senior Lecturer, Queen Mary University, London
  • Hon. Consultant, Barts Heart Centre, Barts Health NHS, London
  • Consultant, Clinique Cecil, Lausanne
  • Associate Physician, Clinique de La Source, Lausanne
  • Former Senior Consultant at Lausanne University Hospital CHUV
  • Former Senior Lecturer in Education and Research, University of Lausanne
  • President of the canton Vaud cardiology society and formal member of the Swiss society of Cardiology
  • Physician Degree, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Medical Doctorate (Thesis), University of Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Degree (level III), Royal Brompton Hospital, Imperial College London, NHIL. European board level III (highest degree)
Selected Memberships And Qualifications
  • FESC (Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology)
  • FACC (Fellow of the American College of Cardiology)
  • ISCTR (International Society for Cardiovascular Translational Research) scientific board
  • Member and nucleus member of the core curriculum for Cardiovascular Translational Research
  • WG CMR (Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Working group of the European Society of Cardiology)
  • Member of EAPCI (European association for interventional cardiology)
  • SCMR (Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance)
  • EAE (European Association of Echocardiography)
  • BSCMR (British Society of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance